C2WSPTT Program Management and Sustainment

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C2WSPTT Program Management and Sustainment

Segue Technologies® provides Program Management and Sustainment Engineering to the US Air Force Command and Control Weapon System Part Task Trainer (C2WSPTT)

About the Client

The Air Force Life Cycle Management Center AFLCMC/HBBA is one of six centers under the Air Force Materiel Command and is responsible for total life cycle management of Air Force weapon systems. The AFLCMC Mission: "Acquire and Support War-Winning Capabilities" which is accomplished by applying life cycle management principles to Air Force weapon systems from inception to retirement. The training mission for AFLCMC/HBBA’s Air Operations Center is to provide Mission Qualification Training (MQT) to AOC system and network administrators. AOCs across the globe require: In-garrison MQT, continual training on modeling and simulation systems, and warfighter/exercise support. This mission is supported by the Command and Control Weapons System Part Task Trainer (C2WSPTT) system.

C2WSPTT is a modeling and simulation (M&S) tool that supports the AFLCMC mission by providing AOC (Air Operations Center) weapon system testing and training for AOC operations in a training environment. It provides a small-scale, high-fidelity M&S capability to allow Combined Air Operations Center (CAOC) operators to conduct interactive training that is not possible on operational systems.

The Challenge

The C2WSPTT contract is primarily intended to provide support and field C2WSPTT across the supported baseline (33 separate installations across the globe). The system requires sustainment and upgrade support to Information Assurance requirements to remain compliant with the AF C2 infrastructure. The government sought an experienced IT Support contractor to provide life-cycle management services for C2WSPTT. This included fielding/installing/training the upgraded system to the entire baseline, and providing an in-house capability to train locally on BOTH baselines until full transition. In addition, support includes, providing technical and functional C2WSPTT expertise to units during preparation for exercises, and providing help-desk support to the entire enterprise.

The Solution

Segue provides program management/oversight and sustainment engineering to remain synchronized with upgrades to the AOC 10.1 and future baselines. This includes fielding/installing/training the upgraded system to the entire baseline and providing an in-house capability to train locally on both baselines until full transition. In addition, support includes providing technical and functional C2WSPTT expertise to units during preparation for exercises and providing help-desk support to the entire enterprise. Our team also tests both functional and security upgrades, provides installation support, and training for C2WSPTT to meet Government requirements. In addition, our team provides support and documentation for C2WSPTT to ensure compliance with DoD cybersecurity guidelines.


"The C2WSPTT system continues to be a model for the quality mod/sim capability. Fielding, Help Desk support, exercise support, and training all continue to receive glowing reports from the field for the rapid and skillful response to operator requirements across the globe." - 2017 CPAR