LOGMOD BaS&E Development and Sustainment

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LOGMOD BaS&E Development and Sustainment

Segue Technologies® provides development and sustainment support for the USAF Logistics Module (LOGMOD) and Base Support and Expeditionary Site Planning (BaS&E) systems.

About the Client

LOGMOD provides web-based C2 capability for deployment and/or reception planning, execution to support worldwide deployments of forces across the Total Force. LOGMOD effectively imports the planning data of a campaign created in the Joint Operational Planning and Execution System (JOPES). Headquarters Air Force (HAF) and Major Command (MAJCOM) visibility allows oversight and planning for all Air Force logistics commitments.

BaS&E supports the base support and expeditionary site planning processes by identifying resources and combat support requirements at planned and potential employment locations. It provides bed-down capability analysis, limiting factor identification, and facilitates force tailoring decisions. BaS&E captures all aspects of a site/location such as flight line, housing and transportation to determine which location can best support incoming forces based on tasking.

The Challenge

Segue personnel working on LOGMOD and BaS&E are required to provide real time solutions to complex USAF logistic operations challenges using system development, full scope sustainment to include information assurance, cybersecurity, quality assurance, program management, planning and reporting, and risk and configuration management.

The Solution

Segue utilizes our industry standard and CMMI 3 accredited software development processes to implement rapid solutions that ensure optimal performance, security, and scalability. Our Agile development processes allow for continuously improving and modernizing the underlying architecture and user interface/user experience (UI/UX) of both LOGMOD and BaS&E systems with cutting-edge solutions. As a result of our efforts, we have significantly enhanced usability and productivity for operators and users across both systems by taking advantage of the benefits offered by the cloud ecosystem.