What type of person is a Quality Control (QC) Tester? There are many kinds of professions out there. For instance, some people are movie critics, video game testers, teachers, scientists, mystery shoppers, food tasters, and stockbrokers. All of these occupations have something in common; looking for the best quality in a product.
As a Quality Control Tester, one comparable occupation that comes to mind is an Exterminator. Both positions require someone who has just one goal in mind; to locate all types of bugs. In order to find all the bugs, the Exterminator has to test the premises, the surroundings, and numerous environments to see whether or not the bugs are spreading from one place to another. Of course, in doing so, all of this comes at a cost. Most Quality Control costs are associated with preventing, finding, and correcting defective work (bugs). These costs can range in price from low to high, depending on the customer’s specific needs. Many of these costs can be significantly reduced or even avoided based on the quality of the product and time constraints.
There are many ways of locating and eliminating the bugs in the QC world. Some customers like to bring in a highly decorated expert to identify and eliminate the defects. They have testing applications and software tools that will help locate the bugs from a system. In comparison to an Exterminator, a customer will call for an expert to get rid of all necessary bugs with their high-tech tools, to do all of the dirty work to ensure a safe and bug free zone.
The Exterminator and the QC tester both require a specialized toolset to do their work. For the Exterminator, some of these may include such materials as bug sprays, chemical mixtures, traps, and possibly baits in order to hunt down the bugs. The same goes for a QC Tester in needing various testing techniques, testing tools, and resources in order to identify and report the bugs (also known as defects).
The QC Exterminator’s job is to ensure the quality of the interface and its environment. He then validates the final product in order to meet the customer’s needs and requirements (to include no bugs!). This will help test the surroundings and guarantee the best quality.
In conclusion, in addition to a passion for hunting down and eliminating bugs, a person who is a good QC Tester requires both functional and technical knowledge. Provided with an ample amount of time and the proper set of testing tools, a person with precision, innate skills, methodical thinking, and a desire to solve puzzles in a scientific manner would make a great Quality Control Tester.