Wright Patterson Air Force Base Dayton, OH
How Long Have You Been Working at Segue?
Since April 15, 2019
What Was Your First Title at Segue?
Business Analyst Intern
What is Your Current Title?
Business Analyst
What Do You Like About Segue?
Everyone is great communicating with each other about just everything and they offer great opportunities for certifications and additional training in your relevant field. I also like the employee recognition system that allows everyone to highlight an individual who deserves it (YouEarnedIt).
How Did Segue Contribute to Your Professional Growth?
They allowed me to get my SCRUM certification without any personal cost and will allow me to get my Pega Business Architect certification without any cost. They encourage professional growth and provide the tools to do so.
In Your Opinion, Why Should Others Apply to Work at Segue?
They are very understanding and encourage a solid work-life balance, management is readily available to communicate with. For me personally, I enjoy not being micromanaged. I also hands down enjoy everyone that I work with.
What is Segue for You?
Segue for me is an opportunity to be a part of something that you know is contributing to helping our National Defense, this company gave me the chance to live that dream when they decided to hire me.
What is Your Greatest Achievement at Segue?
So far, my SCRUM certification is my greatest achievement, but I soon hope to add to this!
What Is Your Opinion About Our Culture, Environment, and Work-Life Balance?
I have encountered a caring and committed group of individuals who encourage a healthy work-life balance. I feel this company biggest plus is the open lines of communication that are encouraged, more so now due to the COVID-19 pandemic. They care about the mental health of their employees and have offered various resources to utilize if needed.