Segue’s HQ Arlington VA
How Long Have You Been Working at Segue?
11 years
What Was Your First Title at Segue?
Technical Writer
What is Your Current Title?
Chief Strategist
Why Do You Like Working At Segue?
I like that Segue is continually looking to the future, but doing so by starting with our current work, capabilities and resources. We aren’t satisfied with past successes, but we also don’t set goals that are too far of a stretch from who we are today. Over the last 11 years I love being able to see our company have steady growth and how contract after contract has built us to what we are today. Even more, I love that what we are today and what we are looking to for the future is even better than a year ago (which was pretty great).
How Did Segue Contribute to Your Professional Growth?
Segue has allowed me to let my critical thinking skills loose and guide me into several key areas of our business. I enjoy the connections between our current work task and what we include in our marketing materials and the opportunities we consider bidding on. As we’ve grown, it’s been important to continually reassess these capabilities and connections, as well as the processes and approach to marketing Segue and winning new work. Critical thinking is a key component to that continual improvement and has guided my career path at Segue from Technical Writer, to Proposal Manager, Director of Communications, to Chief Strategist today. All of those roles required taking a hard look at what we can do, and how it applies to the next opportunity.
In Your Opinion, Why Should Others Apply to Work at Segue?
Segue is at a point where we’ve grown into a period of stability, with a lot of potential for growth in several specific capabilities areas. For the most part, I think this will create a lot of opportunities for people to learn new skills and work on challenging projects.
What is Segue For You?
At this point, after 11 years and significant professional growth, Segue is my Career. My previous work is no longer that relevant to what I’m doing now and what I will do next. At the same time, whatever I do next will surely be a direct result of Segue’s reputation and success and my role here.
What is Your Greatest Achievement at Segue?
I don’t think I could pick something for myself here. As Chief Strategist, my primary focus is on the Organizational success of Segue and setting us up for success across the board. I don’t think Segue’s success is ever really my achievement to claim, but I’m proud to be part of it.