Allison MacDonald, Contracts Manager at Segue Technologies since June 2019

Allison MacDonald

Allison is an honorably Discharged Member of the US Navy, active service from 1995 to 2005. During her time with the Navy, she worked as US Navy Pilot, LT (O-3) and Program Manager.

Fun fact, the main reason for her to join the military was Top Gun. Allison says she “Watched Top Gun too many times! I always wanted to join the military”.

Some of her career highlights are:

  • Flew as Patrol Plane Commander in combat supporting Operation Allied Force, the Global War on Terror and drug interdiction exercises in Central and South America.  Awarded the Air Medal with First Strike 1, Kosovo Campaign Medal and multiple flag letters of commendation.
  • Planned, administered, and managed testing of Blue Force Tracking Systems during field exercises in Seoul, South Korea, preventing friendly fire incidents between active air and ground forces in Iraq and Afghanistan.
  • Supported collaboration between American and foreign military services as representative of Combat Commanders Interoperability Program Office.
Allison MacDonald

In addition to her Navy experience, Allison is an experienced Federal contracting professional specializing in the rules and regulations governing the small disadvantaged, veteran, native and women owned businesses. At the same time, she is a Commercial Pilot, Instrument Rated in Multi/Single-Engine Land-FAA, an advanced certified SCUBA diver, and Emergency Medical Technician.

Discipline, organization, and perspective are some of the main skills she learned while in service. Her work ethic and how to solve problems plus her dedication are something we appreciate all the time working with her.

Allison MacDonald

When asked about Segue employing and working with Veterans, Allison says, “Segue recognizes the contribution veterans bring to the company.” 

While she doesn’t work specifically in the IT field, she advises other services members interested in IT that “given your military background you would be well suited to work in a fast paced, high-tech career”.